Bespoke Hand Tied Bouquet


Our bespoke bouquets are created by our qualified florists everyday with fresh flowers and foliage. If required, any of our handtied arrangements can be placed into an aqua pack, quite simply this means that they are in water and can be left this way for ease. If nothing from our bouquet show on the day takes your fancy, feel free to ask a member of staff to create a personalised bouquet. This usually takes just twenty minutes.

You can create your own bouquet using the options below, or if you would like to make a custom order or discuss a larger order, please contact Rob on:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01732 358339


Our bespoke bouquets are created by our qualified florists everyday with fresh flowers and foliage. If required, any of our handtied arrangements can be placed into an aqua pack, quite simply this means that they are in water and can be left this way for ease. If nothing from our bouquet show on the day takes your fancy, feel free to ask a member of staff to create a personalised bouquet. This usually takes just twenty minutes.

You can create your own bouquet using the options below, or if you would like to make a custom order or discuss a larger order, please contact Rob on:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01732 358339

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